Pirci: Safety Protection Plan for Automatic Guided Vehicles



Jun 25, 2023

Information abstract: As one of the core equipment of intelligent factory logistics, automated guided vehicle (AGV) plays an increasingly important role in the factory Logistics automation automation system. They traverse the warehouse and efficiently complete transportation tasks, bringing great convenience to production while also posing certain safety hazards

As one of the core equipment of intelligent factory logistics, automated guided vehicle (AGV) plays an increasingly important role in the factory Logistics automation automation system. They pass through the warehouse and efficiently complete transportation tasks, bringing great convenience to production while also posing certain safety hazards. The safety application standards of AGV can refer to ISO 3691-4 (relevant content can be found in our previous content).

At present, the recommended configurations for AGV secure operation are: security scanner, security analysis unit (i.e. security controller), and industrial firewall.

The production workshop is bustling with enthusiasm: components, materials on packaging machines, and pallets in the warehouse must arrive on time on the production line. The traditional AGV system is a track type, similar to a train or tram, operating on a predetermined route. Vehicles with free navigation, also known as autonomous mobile robots (AMR), have a more flexible route of operation. Due to working with people, no matter what type of AGV system it is, safety must be at the forefront in this dynamic and changing environment. So, how can mobile robots ensure both productivity and safety?
Modular security solution
The complexity of AGV systems increases with the improvement of their capabilities, and modular security solutions can enhance the productivity of applications. The track type AGV system must be able to maintain a predetermined warning and safety zone based on its own speed, and can stop operation when encountering obstacles. Pierce Magnetic’s safety laser scanner PSENscan is capable of providing this type of safety protection, monitoring production areas, and preventing collisions that can lead to hazards. If it is necessary to override the emergency stop function, a more flexible solution can be adopted, covering PSENscan scanner and modular Safety relay myPNOZ.

More secure areas

Free navigation mobile platforms can independently bypass obstacles or people without stopping, making the safety functions of such systems more complex. The safety laser scanner constantly scans the surrounding environment, and the relevant data is directly read out through the ROS (Robot Operating System) software package of PSENscan. Users can use this data for their SLAM (Synchronous Positioning and Mapping) algorithm to create environmental maps for navigation.

PSENscan can set up to 70 protection zones and can be dynamically adjusted: when the AGV runs at high speed, its corresponding protection zone is also larger, so that obstacles can be detected in a timely manner and measures can be taken. When the AGV runs at a slower speed, its protection zone is also relatively smaller to avoid stagnation as much as possible. This approach can make AGV mobility more efficient. The configurable small controller PNOZmulti, with a speed monitoring module (an extension module for motion monitoring), can reliably select the corresponding security protection area.
Industrial firewall, making illegal manipulation impossible

AGV systems often require wireless communication with the main controller of their production workshop, which makes them vulnerable to external attacks or manipulation. If appropriate measures are not taken, the AGV system map data may be tampered with, and in the worst case, it can lead to the stagnation of the AGV system and the entire production.

The industrial security system proposed by Pirci can effectively solve this problem. The Industrial Firewall SecurityBridge can ensure that unauthorized parties cannot access the internal IT network of AGV during operation, achieving the integration of mechanical security and industrial information security for mobile platforms.

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